One-Pot 3-Cheese Mac & Cheese
This mac and cheese recipe, as easy as it is, can be served after a few minutes. Your domestic helper can prepare the following: short pasta, shredded melted cheese, cream cheese, grated parmesan cheese, and a bit of powdered mustard. Perfect for the children’s snack!
Share this quick recipe with your helper at home. We wish you a happy meal with the family!


video courtesy by Kitchn

We believe a happy family and harmonious work-home environment is achievable with the management of expectations and a lifestyle of learning. Eden Grace Maid Agency Singapore aspires to cater to your needs for an ideal, dependable maid. We also hope to facilitate a good working relationship through proper integration and education programmes for both parties. We desire to guide domestic helpers to achieve their life goals during employment.
“Building Lives, Building Families”