Live in Nanny Should Never Do While Babysitting
No matter how young are the children the Filipino maid | Indonesian maid | Myanmar maid is taking care of, she should still be careful of the things she does or says. Kids learn a lot from their caregivers through observation and communication in their early years. Psychologists define children from 0-12 years old as ‘sponges’, means they absorb everything adults say and do, mulls it, and eventually do it themselves. Aside from this fact, there are also seemingly little but dangerous decisions the live-in maid could make while employers are away. Live-in maids in Singapore must be extra cautious of the food they give to the child and the things they say around the child.
Eden Grace Maids Agency complied things the live-in maid must not do or say while taking care of the employer’s children. Here are just some of them:
Don’t spend too much time on the phone.
Some of us can’t resist checking our Facebook notifications every day especially when we’re away from home. While it’s completely okay to contact our family to ease our homesickness, the Filipino maid | Indonesian maid | Myanmar maid must also see to it that she’s not putting the child at risk by not giving the child enough attention. Some employers would suggest pushing the usage of the handphone later at night after the work is done. Also, some employers aren’t happy when the live-in maid shares a photo of their house of children without their permission as they may violate their privacy.
Don’t listen to improper content.
Don’t be surprised if the child speaks swear words at the age 4 when he or she constantly hears them from R rated movies, music, or from their nannies. The Filipino maid | Indonesian maid | Myanmar maid must refrain from listening to inappropriate content even when the child is napping. We never know what kids will hear and internalize. Of course, parents should be even more mindful about the child’s exposure to social media once he or she is outside the house. This toxic stimulus when soaked up by kids will eventually manifest when they grow up.
Don’t give meds without permission.
As a mom, it’s our instinct to give our sick child medicine, but it’s a different case when you’re a babysitter. We may not know that the child we’re taking care of has allergies on some medications or the food we give them. Some employers may have also set rules with the child on eating sweets, so live-in maids just shouldn’t just freely pass them that chocolate jar when they cry for it. Before the nanny job starts, we suggest that the Filipino maid | Indonesian maid | Myanmar maid would ask the parent’s what specific snacks and meals are not allowed to be given to the children. Lastly, employers may emphasize the need to inform them first before letting the child take any meds. The more informed she is, the safer the child would be.
Don’t bring friends to the employer’s house.
Just because the Filipino maid | Indonesian maid | Myanmar maid lives and rests in the house of the employer, she is not entitled to invite her besties or boyfriend in the house to hang out. When the house and the kids are left under her care while her employers are away, she must understand that it’s her liability if something goes wrong in the presence of the unwanted visitor. Not only the sound of the live-in maid having a boyfriend is terrifying, the thought of the helper letting anyone you don’t know in the house is scarier! Before she moves into her employer’s house in Singapore, employer’s should try their best to communicate their house rules. Laying down rules is such a small thing to do, but it gives the Filipino maid | Indonesian maid | Myanmar maid a useful reminder that will keep the family safe throughout her 2-year contract!
Don’t smoke or drink.
Employers wouldn’t like their kids to grow alcoholic or smokers, but more importantly, they don’t the Filipino maid | Indonesian maid | Myanmar maid to cuddle with their infants smelling like liquor or cigarette smoke. At all times, they want their homes smelling fresh and they want the live-in maid sober to do their jobs as a babysitter well. We suggest that aspiring live-in maids in Singapore should these kinds of vices asap because they would be putting the host family in danger.
Don’t hit the child.
You may have your own way of disciplining your children back home. Asians especially grew in corporal punishments and the Filipino maid | Indonesian maid | Myanmar maid may think it’s okay to practice that to their employer’s child too. It’s NEVER okay to spank someone else’s child when he or she does something displeasing. Live-in maids must be patient at all cost, using positive reinforcements instead to deal with a naughty child. Timeouts and rules consistency are also effective yet harmless ways of discipline the live-in maid should definitely try.
The family’s health and safety should be the top priority. Eden Grace Maid Agency Singapore offers maid services which will help us secure our children’s safety when we’re not around. The choice to hire a maid who can take care of the tiring household chores and things we cannot handle on our own will definitely be a plus point!
Please contact us for a fuss-free consultation with our unique personal screenings of our maids. Eden Grace Maids Agency looks forward to serving you!
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