Importance of Child’s Discipline
The term discipline often ignites negative punishment. Discipline is not all about punishment but rather changing or correcting one’s behavior. It provides an individual with rules to live efficiently and effectively. Disciplining your child means preparing them to stand strong in the midst of their personal adversaries.
One of the important responsibilities of the parents is to educate and supervise your children. Every parent wants their children to be happy, independent, respectful, self-controlled and able to find their place in the world as well-behaved grown up individuals. No parents wants to raise a spoiled brat, ill-mannered child.
Good discipline helps a child to learn about consequences, to make good choices and taking responsibility of their own actions. Your goal is to encourage them to learn to manage both of their feelings and behaviors. A very young child, such as a baby, has no comprehension of right and wrong. However discipline is a life long process. Sometimes the most appropriate child discipline response is simply redirecting your child’s attention. Time-out is one of the most effective disciplinary techniques It works if you know exactly what the child did wrong or if you need a break from the his behavior.
Why Do Children Misbehave?
All children exhibit bad behavior from time to time due to the stresses of daily life, and this can be a huge challenge for parents and live in nannies. Understanding misbehavior is a crucial first step in determining how to rectify it. There is always a reason for children’s misbehavior, and it can be dealt by understand what causes it.
When Children Don’t Feel Well
Children lacks tolerance and more irritable when they are hungry, bored, angry, tired, and ill. They need enough of sleep and rest, nutritious food, recreational activities, and fresh air to feel relax and unwind.
When Children Feel Rejected
Rejection and disappointment are two difficult feelings to handle. Kids tend to become more anxious and insecure when they feel rejected by others especially by their parents. Over time, they start to have low self-esteem, self-doubt, depression, and will think of themselves unworthy.
When Children Feel Unloved
It usually happens to children who have been neglected or abused, got separated from their parents for some reason, or children that do not have an affectionate parent. When children feel unloved, they tend to have lower self-esteem, aggressive, anti-social, feel unsafe and suspicious. They have no reason to behave in acceptable ways but if the child feels loved, he is more likely to behave well and a delight to have around.
When Children Feel Insecure or Upset
Undisciplined children will be left insecure, out of control, and will tend to have poor decisions in life. Children need their parents to communicate with them, understand and especially feel their parents presence. Often, all a child wants is a compassionate ear, all she needs is vent it out. Just offering a listening ear and sensitive heart for her agony can be a big relief
When Children Lack of Confidence
Children with no confidence often have negative image of themselves. They might feel bad, ugly, stupid, lonely or isolated. It is hard for them to make and keep friendships. Children who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid of making mistakes or letting people down. A child will become more secure if their attempts to try new things are being rewarded. Words of encouragement can also boost the children’s confidence.