Here’s How Often You Should Clean Everything in Your House
Some areas in the house need cleaning every day and other spaces should be cleaned every week. The reason why the live-in maid should clean bathrooms and sponges every day is that germs multiply twice as fast in these areas. The Indonesian maid/Filipino maid or maid from Myanmar must take note of the dangers of the fan vents too! If not given much attention, dust particles just fly around which can trigger asthma.
Watch this video with your domestic helper. We wish you a clean and fresh home!
Video Courtesy of b/60
We believe a happy family and harmonious work-home environment is achievable with the management of expectations and a lifestyle of learning. Eden Grace Maid Agency Singapore aspires to cater to your needs for an ideal, dependable maid. We also hope to facilitate a good working relationship through proper integration and education programmes for both parties. We desire to guide domestic helpers to achieve their life goals during employment.
“Building Lives, Building Families”