6 Tips for Child Safety

It is the children’s nature to play and explore. No matter how careful the Indonesian maid | Filipino maid | Myanmar maid is, the child’s safety can always be at risk. This video from SingHealth will show us some falls prevention tips, car safety tips, and water safety tips. The Indonesian maid | Filipino maid | Myanmar maid must remember to accompany the child wherever he or she goes to play. Keeping an eye to the baby will prevent the child from getting hurt while she runs around the house.


Employers may share this clip to the live-in maid in Singapore for her to learn too! The key is to keep children safe is by constantly watching over them. We hope she learned something from our tips!


Video courtesy by SingHealth


We believe a happy family and harmonious work-home environment is achievable with the management of expectations and a lifestyle of learning. Eden Grace Maid Agency Singapore aspires to cater to your needs for an ideal, dependable maid. We also hope to facilitate a good working relationship through proper integration and education programmes for both parties. We desire to guide domestic helpers to achieve their life goals during employment.
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