3 Ways to Give New Life to Leftover Rice
If last night was a very fun party with a lot of rice leftovers, worry not! We have here three brilliant recipes to give a new life to leftover rice.
Asians are rice-lovers, especially, like the variety of rice dishes like Chicken rice, Nasi Lemak, Yang Zhou fried rice and more. Here is another list of must-try recipe for our maid to try now.
Click the video for the delicious recipes you have to know.
Video Courtesy of Love Food Hate Waste New Zealand
We believe a happy family and harmonious work-home environment is achievable with the management of expectations and a lifestyle of learning. Eden Grace Maids Agency aspires to cater to your needs for an ideal, dependable maid. We also hope to facilitate a good working relationship through proper integration and education programmes for both parties. We desire to guide domestic helpers to achieve their life goals during employment.
“Building Lives, Building Families”